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Cosmic Flowers

This colorful gallery of bright and vibrant flowers features orchids and other flowers from our trip to Thailand. A few photos have been recolored from the Thailand gallery, while most of them are brand new. Enjoy these cosmic flowers!

Click here to order any of these prints online!

Thailand Print Gallery

Here are some select photos from our trip to Thailand in 2008. Click to enlarge and then keep clicking to browse the gallery.

Click here to order any of these prints online!

Cambodia Print Gallery

Here are some select photos from our trip to Cambodia in 2008. Click to enlarge and then keep clicking to browse the gallery. If you’d like to order a print, use the links below each image.

Click here to order any of these prints online!

Panoramic Prints

Check out these extra-large panoramic prints from Cambodia and Thailand.

Click here to order any of these prints online!

Melinda's Walk

I worked with Melinda Vieira on this seven-part journey into the nearby nature trail for our Constructed Realities class. I took the photos and did color correcting and lighting effects, while Melinda and another friend created the creatures, beings and patterns interwoven in vibrant color across the images. As we journey deeper into the forest, Melinda steps further into this parrallel dimension of forest visions…

Special thanks to Melinda for sending me high-quality copies of the images!

Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira

The Nature Trail

I took these photos (and many more) in the Nature Trail at my old school, and will be using some of the photos to create a Tarot deck.

Click here to order any of these prints online!

Hindu Deities Trinity

Here is a project from my Constructed Realities class. We were meant to construct a diorama or small scene and photograph it for a series of prints. I lined up three of my favorite Hindu deities, Brahma, Ganesh, and Shiva, and created a small altar made of natural materials and set all by the river. After taking the photos I enhanced them to show the elements each deity represents. The hindu trimurti or trinity is generally with Vishnu and not Ganesh, but I do not have a Vishnu statue so I used Ganesh instead.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken