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Mythic Journeys II

After my first Mythic Journeys project, I set out to revise the levels and create a more expansive experience, still keeping the core idea intact. I created a few new areas and improved others. I may pick up this series again down the road and finish it. Here are some screens:

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Mythic Journeys

Mythic Journeys was a multi-media three class project I undertook in the Spring of 2008. I wrote a four part “dreamscape” adventure story over the course of my Advanced Nature Writing class, made it into a game (a self portrait as my own personal myth, hence Kurtis Trent and not Lara), then made a book out of it with the story and screenshots for my Constructed Realities class.

I made the game incredibly easy so that teachers and students could play it, so even though the four-level game is totally finished, it needs a lot of work to become difficult and expansive enough to challenge the die-hard TR fans. This series will hopefully be finished in Winter 08, expect a trailer in the fall. =)

In this game I have worked really hard on not only the aesthetics but also the gameplay. Some puzzles were taken from older games, while others I planned out before creating the levels. Again though, at the moment it is all too easy and linear.

Lara will be going on this journey in the fall, not Kurtis.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Mythic Journeys Book

For my three-class multimedia project Mythic Journeys (more info in another post) I created this book to tell the story with screenshots from the game for my Constructed Realities final. I self-published and printed this book using Lulu.com. More images coming soon!

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

I have another post with images of the actual game. If you want to check those out, go here. Enjoy!

Melinda's Walk

I worked with Melinda Vieira on this seven-part journey into the nearby nature trail for our Constructed Realities class. I took the photos and did color correcting and lighting effects, while Melinda and another friend created the creatures, beings and patterns interwoven in vibrant color across the images. As we journey deeper into the forest, Melinda steps further into this parrallel dimension of forest visions…

Special thanks to Melinda for sending me high-quality copies of the images!

Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira
Copyright Michael McCracken and Melinda Vieira

Astral Plane Quiptych

This was another project for Digital Imaging, the idea was to take something inside and make it outside, or vice versa. I went wild and interdimensional on this, and proposed a mountainside physically, with a building (Akashic Records style) and meditating light beings astrally – so on the Astral Plane you might be inside, but on the Physical you’d be outside. I expanded on this project in the above multi-dimensional series for my final project.

Copyright Michael McCracken

Gardens of Lost Time

An expansive Tomb Raider project that I started and never finished, Gardens of Lost time was a menagerie of mythical delights. More screenshots to come, if I ever find some more of them.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Lara travels a maze of these round garden rooms, leaving one and entering another, appearing in places all around the level by means of these magical gardens.
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Beautiful Sundial object by Piega. Check out trsearch.org for more custom objects!
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
This main area with the end-of-level double doors connects the many small areas of the level together.
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
This puzzle, featuring the fantastic Lion Fountain by Piega, was a centerpiece for the beginning of the level.