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Rotating University Poster

We created this Rotating University poster for a college, to advertise the four upcoming study-abroad programs that were being offered.

Copyright Michael McCracken

Mary Lou Hanlon Identity

Mary Lou Hanlon is an elder care specialist who was looking for a new identity package. We created this business card design and brochure design to help her promote her business.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Mythic Journeys Book

For my three-class multimedia project Mythic Journeys (more info in another post) I created this book to tell the story with screenshots from the game for my Constructed Realities final. I self-published and printed this book using Lulu.com. More images coming soon!

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

I have another post with images of the actual game. If you want to check those out, go here. Enjoy!