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Palace Dionysus

I participated in this year’s trle.net “Back to Basics” competition, in which level builders are given a texture and object set for a specific location, and given two months to build their best level. This year’s theme was Venice, and Palace Dionysus was my contribution.

My level was #12 out of twenty something levels, and scored an 8.6, which is fair. The level is largely non-linear and has a variety of gameplay, including blowing up Bartoli’s stronghold. This level makes some connections to the TR2 Venice levels the competition was based on. Fun to play for anyone who enjoyed TR2 Venice, or not.

Horus from the trle.net community created the beautiful high-quality textures and objects seen in the level, which were used by its participants. Levels were released anonymously for two months and then the builders were revealed. It was a great competition, and a pleasure to work alongside such great people. I would highly recommend many of the other levels created for the competition. You can download the whole package below:

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Copyright Michael McCracken
Lara starts in a hotel room in the Old City of Venice, an abandoned area filled with old apartments, theaters, boathouses, libraries, atriums, and palaces…
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Lara gets to blow this house up, Bartoli’s Hideout style. It’s probably the highlight of the level!
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Legend has it that above a bath of wine, the Greek God Dionysus will bring any person back to life at the cost of their heart. Bartoli’s men have saved his heart for this very purpose, and they intend to resurrect their leader beneath the next full moon. Lara catches wind of the rumors and decides to head to Venice to prevent any such thing from happening. She’s also heard rumors of the legendary Pan’s Rose surfacing within a nearby Dionysian cult. Lara will have to deal with both Bartoli’s men and the cult members in order to escape Venice alive.

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Forest Palaces

I created Forest Palaces for the trle.net “Back to Basics” 2006 Asia Competition.

This level did well, better than my older ones. The gameplay is more challenging and has a lot of fun traps to dodge, as well as other puzzles. I made some cool areas that I was proud of and some interesting flipmaps. I enjoyed taking part in the BTB contest but I think I work best without deadlines. Still though, this was fun and I would do another BTB project in the future, time permitting. Edit: I did, check out Palace Dionysus for BTB 2010: Venice.

This will probably be my last asian level for a while.

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Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

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Northern Shrine of Brahma

This was the last level I released before Forest Palaces- an old one! It has a similar feel to Jungle from TR3 and draws audio and textures from Heavy Metal: FAKK 2, which was a fun game.

It is a very easy level, as my old “gameplay” consisted of keys and switches, with the occasional flipmap or baddy. Some torch puzzles, zip lines, pushables, and timed runs as well. A good old tomb raider romp in the style of TR3 India.

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Note: You’ll need the Tomb Raider Level Editor engine installed to play this game. It’s free and about 100mb to download. Once you have that installed, you can play any custom level available at trle.net or other fine TRLE websites. More recent levels do not require TRLE, however the older ones do.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

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Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm was my old Angkor Wat level, and I have made many since then but never finished one. This level is so easy, pulling one switch after the next in some interesting areas. One room in particular is very nice, another is pretty good, and the rest are kind of sloppy.

I have always wanted to create a sequel to Race for the Iris, and have made many attempts but never actually finished them. This level came close but doesn’t tell much of a story. I am in Thailand right now, planning a trip to Cambodia next month so I want to see the temples for myself, take photos of textures and plan out objects, and then create a beautiful Angkor environment based on the real thing, seen with my own eyes. I think it will be so much better and more fun.

Expect this new Angkor level in 2011 or later.

Download & Play FREE! | Level Info

Note: You’ll need the Tomb Raider Level Editor engine installed to play this game. It’s free and about 100mb to download. Once you have that installed, you can play any custom level available at trle.net or other fine TRLE websites. More recent levels do not require TRLE, however the older ones do.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

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