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Ice Palace

Welcome to the Ice Palace. This frozen temple has been lost in the mountains for thousands of years…until now. Part of our “Earth Chakras” series, this level will be the throat chakra, center of communication, wisdom, voice, sound, clarity etc. Lara must activate the seven chakras of the Earth, each in a very different location, helping our beautiful mother Earth to heal herself once again.

This level is very much a work in progress, expect more screenshots later and a trailer for all 7 chakra levels by the end of the year, time permitting. This is just a short preview to give you a taste. I mixed the music for this video (which will be in the level), which features tracks from Deuter, Ivo Sedlacek, and the Baraka soundtrack. A lovely meditative vision. Expect more relaxing videos like this in the future!

Merlin's Mountain

I’m working on a series of Chakra themed Tomb Raider levels, each in a different part of the world representing a different chakra and element. Merlin’s Mountain, symbolizing vision, will be the mysterious third eye chakra. The level is set in Ireland, where Lara must travel through an old church and cemetery, a witch’s house, and the eerie Mountains beyond…

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

I’m posting this sneak preview in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. More previews to come as I explore the rest of the Earth Chakra series, and perhaps a trailer later in the year.

Island of Poseidon

I’m working on a series of Chakra themed Tomb Raider levels, each in a different part of the world representing a different chakra and element. Island of Poseidon, symbolizing water, will be the second chakra. Here are some early screens:

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Mythic Journeys II

After my first Mythic Journeys project, I set out to revise the levels and create a more expansive experience, still keeping the core idea intact. I created a few new areas and improved others. I may pick up this series again down the road and finish it. Here are some screens:

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken

Gardens of Lost Time

An expansive Tomb Raider project that I started and never finished, Gardens of Lost time was a menagerie of mythical delights. More screenshots to come, if I ever find some more of them.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Lara travels a maze of these round garden rooms, leaving one and entering another, appearing in places all around the level by means of these magical gardens.
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Beautiful Sundial object by Piega. Check out trsearch.org for more custom objects!
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
This main area with the end-of-level double doors connects the many small areas of the level together.
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
This puzzle, featuring the fantastic Lion Fountain by Piega, was a centerpiece for the beginning of the level.

Streets of Seville

This level is another old work-in-progress, and features Lara running around a small town and a hotel. She is able to converse with civilians and gain their help by finding things and doing favors for them, so at the end she can gain access to the temple on the hill.

Someday this will be a prologue to a level series I have planned, but for now I have other projects to do.

One part about this level that I really like is the camera angles I made, they pan through a lot of areas following Lara around. It has a jeep chase at one point which needs to be finished, plus I need to get voice acting done and finish the map. Lara will then be able to move forward into the series, as this level is just a sort of prologue.

Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken
Copyright Michael McCracken