VIP Club

Get ongoing support, super low rates, and exclusive benefits!

Frequently Asked Questions

Need some clarity on how these programs work? Please check out the below info before you make your purchase, to be sure you understand the policies of these programs. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

What are these programs for?

These programs were designed to offer you ongoing priority support for your website at incredibly low rates! Get the peace of mind that a reliable expert is available to you for whatever you need, and keeping your website safe and up to date week after week. I’ve been using retainer programs for years to help my regular clients update their websites, support them through challenges, and complete custom projects.

Now with these new monthly programs, you’ll get the benefit of ongoing website updates, security scans and backups, plus discounted hourly rates for anything else you need. These programs have unique benefits and policies that I’ve established to clarify how things work. Please read them carefully and feel free to ask any questions you have before you make a purchase.

How do the Updates, Backups, and Scans work? How does the time get used?

The goal of these programs is to give you peace of mind, so you no longer have to worry about WordPress updates, problems with plugins, or keeping your website secure and backed up. You focus on running your business, and I’ll manage your website. When you’re enrolled in the program, I’ll check in on your website every week (or more often if desired) to ensure everything is running smoothly, up to date, and backed up. If I notice anything off, I’ll fix it right away. If you have a problem, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible during my office hours. We’ll be able to restore a backed up version of your site and get it back online quickly.

The hours included in each monthly plan are for the regular check-ins on the site and for fixing problems that arise. If more time is needed, it’s available by the minute at special discounted rates. I’ll give you a heads up if you’re about to go over the included hours for the month, and offer a quote for the additional work.

How does the Webmaster Email/Tech Support feature work?

Some websites are a bit more complex, and require ongoing maintenance to keep everything running properly. The goal behind this service is to solve problems on your website as quickly as possible, without you having to worry about them. If you opt for this service, we’ll set up a support email address which forwards to me (and you as well, if you wish), and display it on your website so that your customers can easily find it. If they report problems or need help with something related to your website, I’ll fix it as soon as possible and respond to them quickly and professionally on your behalf. If customers have questions that are not website related, I’ll forward their email along to you. The customer support and correspondence takes place using the hours included in your program. If additional time is needed, I’ll let you know and give you a quote before proceeding.

When are you available?

I now have a day job which takes up most of my time, but I’m generally available Monday through Thursday evenings for freelance work. I’m not available during the day, or on weekends or holidays. My newsletter provides advance notice of other days I will be away.

Do the hours roll over each month?

In order to offer these low rates and offer fast and reliable service, any unused hours included with your subscription each month will expire at the end of the monthly billing period. If you’re on the Advanced plan, we’ll have a list of priorities in place in order to use your hours effectively toward your goals each month. If you need a large block of hours that you can use over longer periods, I recommend instead checking out my Hourly Retainers.

What if I need more hours in a month?

If something comes up and you need more time than the hours included in your subscription, no problem! You’ll save 50% or more on my hourly rate for any additional work. Additional work is billed by the minute, and is payable at the end of the monthly billing cycle. Invoices for additional work must be paid timely in order to continue receiving the benefits of the program.

In order to provide great support to all of my VIP Clients, each program has a different limit of hours that can be used per week. The limits are there mostly as a guideline – if I have time in my schedule, I’ll often be happy to stretch a bit to accommodate your needs. However if you’re regularly needing more time each week, I may recommend that you upgrade to one of the higher plans which include more hours (and lower rates!) for support each month. That way I’ll plan ahead to have time for you in my schedule.

Can I cancel any time? Do you offer refunds?

The Basic plan is month-to-month and can be cancelled any time. The Pro and Advanced plans have a minimum monthly commitment, which guarantees priority support for you and your projects, as well as the low hourly rates of the program. Once that time period is up, you are welcome to cancel or renew your subscription, just let me know what you’d like to do. If you want to continue, the program will renew automatically each month, and you can cancel any time after that.

Due to the nature of this work, I do not offer refunds, so be sure you’re ready to make this investment in your business before you sign up. I’m always be happy to suggest ways to put the time in your subscription to good use.

If I sign up for one of these plans, can I call or text you any time?

I’m always happy to schedule a phone call with during my available working hours. I do not answer unscheduled phone calls during the work day as it disrupts my other work. I give your projects the same laser focus – no distractions means projects get completed faster. The fastest way to get my attention is to email me – I guarantee you’ll get a quick response.

What if I have an emergency at night or over the weekend?

Generally I’m not available at night or over the weekend, as I try to keep a good work/life balance. However, I understand that emergencies happen, and for some high level websites, downtime is not an option. If it’s important to you that I’m on-call and you’re on one of the Pro or Advanced programs, contact me to ask about Emergency Availability, and we’ll discuss to find an option that will support your needs.

What’s a Client Dashboard?

If you buy any of these packages, you’ll get access to your very own Client Dashboard, which is where I’ll log the hours used for your project, and keep a record of all your past purchases. You’ll be able to log in and see how many hours have been used, and how much time is left. Please note this is not updated instantly, it may take a few days for the time entries to appear. If you need an up to date total, feel free to ask.

I have another question, or I’m not sure which program is right for me.

No problem! Feel free to contact me to discuss your needs, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible with a recommendation.

By making your purchase, you agree to my Terms of Service.
Questions? Contact me and I’d be happy to assist.
Policies last modified on October 28th, 2017.