Your Company*
Tell us a bit about your company- who you are, what you do, who you work for, and some basic history of the company leading up to the present day.
Your Product or Service*
Tell us about the product or service (or something else) you're looking to promote with the new website.
Your Goals*
What our your goals for the immediate future? Are you looking to increase inquiries/sales, improve your corporate image, reach more customers? What have you tried so far, and what has or hasn't worked well?
Your Target Demographic*
Who is your target market? Do you serve a small niche, a local group of customers, or a broader market? Is there a specific gender or age group that you hope to reach?
Your Competitors*
Who are your main competitors? What sets you apart from them? Please look up the websites of 3 individuals or businesses, local to you or similar to you that offer similar products or services and list them in the fields below, then tell us a bit about them here. We'll take a look at how we can set your site apart from the others.
Your Current Website - Pros and Cons*
Tell us how you feel about your current website. Which parts of it do you like, which parts don't you like? What has worked well, and what hasn't? What are you looking for in a re-design?
Your Current Website - Content*
What content would you like to keep the same, and what content would you like to change? Are you looking to add new features to your new site?
Your New Website - Goals & Intentions*
What are your specific goals for this new website, and how will you know when you have reached them?
Your New Website - Impressions*
What qualities of your business or product would you like to see represented in the new design? What is the most important impression you'd like to leave on prospective customers?
Your New Website - Inspiration*
Please browse online to find some websites that inspire you. We can provide a variety of design inspiration articles if you'd like. Choose at least 3 sites that appeal to you and list their links in the fields below. What do you like about these websites? Is it the color, fonts, layout, content, graphics or photos? Does the website bring out a particular feeling or impression? What about these websites would you like to see in your new site?
Your New Website - Colors
Please visit
Adobe Kuler and use their color wheel tools to find 4-5 colors that you like. These aren't set in stone, just a way to provide an idea of what you like. You can copy and paste the HEX values from the bottom of the color box when you find one you like. Please paste those here, and feel free to write a bit about the colors if you want.
Your New Website - Fonts
Please visit
Google Fonts and choose 3-4 fonts that you like and paste the names of them or links to them here. Again, these aren't set in stone, we just want to generate ideas and see what you like. If there are specific fonts outside of Google Fonts that you want to use, feel free to write that instead, just keep in mind some fonts require a paid license to use, whereas Google's are free.
Your New Website - Materials
If you have materials for your business that you currently use, such as a logo, marketing materials, etc. please attach them below, and tell us about them here. Let us know how you would like to use them, or if you would like to keep the new design consistent with your current company image.
Your New Website - Notes & Comments
Any additional thoughts, comments, or questions? Remember, the more information you provide here, the more closely we can match your ideal vision for your site. Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form, it's an important and helpful step in the design process.