For my Constructed Realities class I was assigned to create a series of self-portraits of things that I’m not. As is my custom, I had to do something wild and metaphysical!
My series of prints were two pairs, one normal photograph, and one energetic representation made in Photoshop. Which is the real me, the ephemeral physical body, or the being of light?
These were taken on the beaches of Ban Krud in Southern Thailand. I’m playing my brandy new 7 metal singing bowl and feeling the vibes. Off in the distance is the beautiful Wat Thongchai with a massive golden Buddha overlooking the ocean. Incidentally, that is exactly where the next photos were taken.
Two individuals in a photograph. Are they separate beings, or do their energies intertwine with those floating around in the area, in this case the energies of this pure and sacred temple?